Founded by Mads Svindt and Christian Dyhr the studio operates across disciplines and timezones, specialising in visual identities and digital products, that looks good, feels right and makes sense.


Klostergade 70B (Backyard) 8000, Aarhus C Denmark Open Mon-fri 8:30AM - 16:00AM (CET) Instagram LinkedIn


Graphic Design Brand Strategy Brand Identity Campaign Art Direction Print Digital products UX/Ui Sprints Illustrations


1. Kids are awesome 2. Beauty is an underrated part of design 3. Intuition is an underrated part of business 4. Data is as addictive as heroin 5. Don't let the world pass you by, while in a meeting 6. You are already naked

Selected Clients A-Z

AiiA(Mastercard) Arturel AY Studios Beta.Health (Rigshospitalet+Skejby Sygehus) Better Holding Børneriget Climaider CVS Health Dreamcraft Ebeltoft Ølfestival Emilio Hestepis Faundit Goodwings HeyHack HLTV Hummel Jacob Jensen Design Jyske Bank Karl William Lunar Mascot Workwear Next11 Norlys Northside OHOI Onomondo PicoVR Planteslagterne PreSeed Ventures Rodeo Arkitekter Scanbox Entertainment Shouter Smukfest Train